SSH Client concurrent limitation in Azure DevOps

2021/09/14 azuredevops

In Azure DevOps the default MaxConcurrentConnections is 500 in code. When the user is more than 500, we will get below error:

$ git pull
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
Connection closed by port 22
fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 

There are two solution to avoid the issue:

  • Configure the value in Azure DevOps Configuration Database.

    EXEC prc_SetRegistryValue @partitionId=1,   @key=N'#\Configuration\SshServer\MaxConcurrentConnections\',   @value=N'700'

    We can use below SQL command to query the configuration of SSH Server:

    SELECT [PartitionId]
      FROM [AzureDevOps_Configuration].[dbo].[tbl_RegistryItems]
      where ParentPath like '%SshServer%'

    The SSH configuration logic is defined in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Ssh. Server.Core.dll and we can use ILSPY to decompile the code.Below is the code of SSH configuration:

    // Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Ssh.Server.Core.SshOptions
    using System;
    using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server;
    using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Ssh.Server.Core;
    public class SshOptions
    	public static readonly RegistryQuery RegistryQuery = "/  Configuration/SshServer/**";
    	public TimeSpan SessionTimeout { get; }
    	public int MaxConcurrentConnections { get; }
    	public int Port { get; }
    	public bool Enabled { get; }
    	public KexInitOptions KexInitOptions { get; }
    	public SshOptions(TimeSpan? sessionTimeout = null, int?   maxConcurrentConnections = null, int? port = null, bool? enabled =   null, KexInitOptions kexInitOptions = null)
    		SessionTimeout = sessionTimeout ?? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0);
    		MaxConcurrentConnections = maxConcurrentConnections ?? 500;
    		Port = port ?? 22;
    		Enabled = enabled ?? false;
    		KexInitOptions = kexInitOptions ?? new KexInitOptions();
    	public static SshOptions FromRegistry(IVssRequestContext rc)
    		RegistryEntryCollection registryEntryCollection = rc.  GetService<IVssRegistryService>().ReadEntries(rc, RegistryQuery)  ;
    		RegistryEntry entry;
    		return new SshOptions(registryEntryCollection.TryGetValue  ("SessionTimeoutSeconds", out entry) ? new TimeSpan?(TimeSpan.  FromSeconds(entry.GetValue<int>())) : null,   registryEntryCollection.GetValueFromPath<int?>  ("MaxConcurrentConnections", null), registryEntryCollection.  GetValueFromPath<int?>("Port", null), registryEntryCollection.  GetValueFromPath<bool?>("Enabled", null), KexInitOptions.  FromRegistry(registryEntryCollection));
  • Use HTTP/HTTPS instead of SSH to avoid the issue.

    # Get the remote name
    git remote
    # Get the remote URL
    git remote get-url --all origin
    # Set the remote URL, use HTTP/HTTPS instead of SSH
    git remote set-url origin https://xxxxx
    git remote set-url --push origin https://xxxx


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